The second in an adventure-filled historical series featuring Irish Knight Tplar, Richard Savage, whose nesis has abducted his daughter...brbr1316 AD. Ireland has been drawn into the bitter war between Scotland and England. Richard Savage thought he had left the war behind, but arch eny Edward Bruce won't let him just walk away. Savage stole something from him, and there are no depths to which he will not descend to get it back. To force Savage's return, Bruce takes what is most dear to him: his daughter Galiene.brbrTo rescue her, Savage must voyage back to an Ireland devastated by war and decimated by famine, where Scottish invaders ravage the countryside. Soon, Savage's personal mission becomes entangled with the battles tearing Ireland apart, and he finds himself on a final, desperate raid.brbrThis is his only chance to save his daughter and turn the tide of war in Ireland's favour – and he's not going to waste it...p